Facts and Figures
Surfaces, number of inhabitants, climate, national holiday, all key facts and figures of Luxembourg
Luxembourg City
Geographical situation Longitude 6°07'42 Latitude 49°36'36' |
Extension E-W 9,7 km N-S 10,45 km |
Altitude Place d'Armes: 304 m |
Surface 12,656 acres |
Highest point Montée de Dommeldange: 408 m |
Highest building Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes: 118 m |
Lowest point Beggen: 232 m |
Surface area of the City 52,5 km |
Inhabitants (31.12.2024) 136 208 |
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Official name Grand Duchy of Luxembourg |
Capital Luxembourg |
Population (01.01.2024) 672.050 inhabitants |
Température in °C |
January | April | July | October | 12 month |
Maximum | 12.5 | 19.5 | 33.2 | 24.3 | 21.7 |
Minimum | -5.4 | -3.9 | 6.7 | -1.5 | -0.9 |
Average | 3.6 | 7.8 | 20 | 11.4 | 10.4 |
Administration in Luxembourg
Formalities Valid ID card respectively passport required |
Head of State HRH the Grand Duke Henri |
Currency EUR (€) |
Prime Minister Luc Frieden |
Languages French, German and Luxembourgish |
National holiday June 23rd |
Government Constitutional monarchy under the regime of a parliamentary democracy |
Borders Belgium, France and Germany |
Distances North-south: 82 km East-west: 57 km |
Surface area 2,586 square kilometres |
Altitude above sea level Maximum: 559 m (1,834 feet) Minimum: 130 m (426 feet) |
Constitutional monarchy
Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary representative democracy; it is ruled by the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
The Grand Ducal Court
The Government