
CLUTCH, akin to The Grateful Dead, Rush, and the Allman Brothers, offers more than heavy riffs and intricate lyrics. Supporters seek an immersive experience and genuine connections. Loving CLUTCH means embracing ownership and belonging. With a global following, fans and critics cherish CLUTCH's extensive catalog, spanning major labels, indies, and their Weathermaker imprint since 2009. "Sunrise On Slaughter Beach," the thirteenth studio album, marks a significant stride in their enduring career. Featuring new hits like "Red Alert (Boss Metal Zone)," "Nosferatu Madre," "Skeletons on Mars," "Jackhammer Our Names," and "Mercy Brown," the album seamlessly blends with timeless classics. Adding a new dimension, it introduces vibraphone, theremin, and female backup vocals. With nine diverse tracks, it's a fresh chapter in a narrative that holds significance for both fans and the band.

Nützliche Informationen


den Atelier
rue de Hollerich 54


General Admission 35.6 €


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