Cereal Lovers

Dernière modification le 30/05/2022 par Marcela Salamanca

Marcela Salamanca

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Before discovering my love for Cereal Lovers, I had walked past and around the area many times, without ever noticing this little gem. It is easy to miss given it is not on a busy path, however, once you find it, you will never forget how to get there…it will call to you! Cereal Lovers is, in my opinion, one of the best cafés in town. For those accustomed to other coffee establishments, it might be a little shocking to not be asked about what size of drink you want or how sweet, etc. I find this refreshing as making decisions before my morning coffee can be difficult! My favorite is the chai…creamy, a little spicy and with just the right sweetness. However, their cappuccinos are amazing too! The shop itself offers contemporary design, bright but just right lighting, comfortable seating and a general calm setting to enjoy a coffee with a friend, take a break to contemplate life, or have lunch with colleagues. In warmer months, there is seating outside or you can cross the street to the Place du Théàtre or go to the nearby playground and eat outside. Either inside or outside, the food is delicious and they offer gluten-free and vegan options..and all-day breakfast! And if you want to take a little of Cereal Lovers with you, their mueslis are a great option for breakfast at home. Likewise, it’s a great place to buy unique gifts for coffee and tea lovers in your life.

Informations pratiques


11 Pl. du Théâtre,


Chai : 4.70€


Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00, Sat 09:00 - 17:00