Ars Heraldica

Coats of arms have been part of Western culture for more than 800 years. Like other symbols, they are an expression of personal, family and social identity. Although they originated amongst the nobility, they have over the centuries been used in a wide array of contexts. Nowadays, they adorn sports clubs, town councils and breweries. Nevertheless, coats of arms often appear mysterious and obscure.


The exhibition introduces visitors to the world of heraldry. It will do this with the help of some precious manuscripts from the collection of Dr Jean-Claude Loutsch, donated to the National Library in 2021. This collection provides an insight into a very specialised form of self-representation – not only for Luxembourg, but also for neighbouring countries.


The exhibition is available in French and German only.

Useful information


Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg
37D Avenue John F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg


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