The investigation

In commemoration of the International Memorial Day for the Victims of Genocides, Artemysia Theatre proudly presents a poignant reading, The Investigation, freely inspired by the groundbreaking work of playwright Peter Weiss. This special event will take place on the 24th of January, at Theatre le 10, in Luxembourg city, offering audiences an evening of reflection, remembrance, and resilience.

The Investigation. delves into the harrowing testimonies from the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials of the 1960s, shedding light on the darkest chapters of human history. While freely inspired by Weiss's original text, this reading by Artemysia Theatre brings a fresh perspective, combining the raw power of his themes with a contemporary lens, emphasizing the enduring need for justice and remembrance.


Artemysia Theatre is committed to creating socially conscious works that provoke thought, inspire change and amplify voices that need to be heard. Through innovative storytelling and performance, the company seeks to engage communities in meaningful conversations about pressing global issues.

“With this reading, we aim to confront the weight of humanity's darkest moments and remind ourselves of the power of truth and memory to shape a more conscious and compassionate future,” said Raffaella D’Angelo, Artistic Director of Artemysia Theatre.

Nützliche Informationen


Theatre le 10
595L rue de Neudorf


General admission 15 €


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