Stone, Concrete, and Architecture
Stone, Concrete, and Architecture
Whether referring to Greek temples or even the architecture of Gothic cathedrals, stone has long been the reference material for monumental architecture. In countries such as France and Spain, sophisticated stone-cutting processes were developed between the Renaissance and the 18th century to create spectacular works..
This lecture will offer a reflection on the specific qualities and limitations of using this material. It will then look at the development of concrete, often initially presented by its promoters as a kind of ‘artificial stone’. Finally, it will discuss the return of stone masonry to architecture, a return that is taking place almost everywhere today in connection with the growing urgency of climate change.
- Venue : MNHN (Musée national d'histoire naturelle)
- Language :. EN
- Free, registration required
This lecture is organised by LUCA in collaboration with the MNHN, as part of the exhibition “Luxembourg on the Rocks” at the MNHN.
Nützliche Informationen
Dienstag 21.01.2025
- 20H00
Stone, Concrete, and Architecture | 0 € |
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