El Topo (Cult Fiction)
El Topo (Cult Fiction)
Surréalisme / Cult Fiction
El Topo .
Mexico 1970 | Alejandro Jodorowsky | vostEN | 124’ | digital | Cast : Alejandro Jodorowsky, Brontis Jodorowsky
An outlaw, El Topo defies the Four Masters of the Desert for the love of a woman. After having defeated them, his wife betrays him. His new life as a holy man begins, and El Topo decides to liberate a community of outcasts...
« Inventively composed, beautifully photographed and boasting lakes of blood, shoe fetish action, mystical iconography and dwarf pantomime – often in the same scene – it’s by turns mesmerising, grotesque, surreal, satirical, rousing and impenetrable. One of the original publicity taglines had it about right: ‘What it all means isn’t exactly clear, but you won’t forget it.’ » (Time Out)
Nützliche Informationen
Freitag 17.01.2025
- 22H30
Tarif plein | 3.7 € |
Tarif réduit | 2.4 € |
Kulturpass | 1.5 € |
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